Finally, you have decided to look for a home. You may wonder what questions you may ask to your Realtor. To ensure that you made the right choice, here are possible questions that you may ask yourself and your Realtor:
- Does the home appeals to me and my family?
- Is the house under warranty? If not, how much will it cost me to get one?
- Is there a need to renovate? How much time, money and convenience will it take?
- Can the house accommodate my whole family? Does it fit our needs and lifestyle?
- How many beds and baths? Garage or workshop?
- Does the home have enough rooms or storages for our belongings?
- Is the yard big enough or is it too big to maintain?
- Does the house situated near a busy road? Do I/my family feel safe or is it bothersome?
- Is the neighborhood safe, quiet or noisy?
- What are the closest schools in the neighborhood? Bus routes?
- How long would be the travel time to work? Closest amenities like shops, market, post office, parks, restaurants, hospitals, etc.
- How close is it to my old neighborhood, family and friends?
- Does it have HOA fees? How much?
- What are the HOA regulations? Would I find it difficult in abiding by the rules?
- Does the house fit my budget? Can I afford the monthly mortgage dues?
- Does the house difficult to resell?